It’s today the June twentieth! The Ratha Yatra of Puri, also rendered as the Ratha Jatra (Odia: ରଥଯାତ୍ରା) is considered the oldest and largest Hindu chariot festival celebrated annually, on the bright half of the lunar month of Ashadh (June-July). The festival is held at the city of Puri in the state of Odisha, IndiaContinue reading “RATHA YATRA 2023”


Gopabandhu Das (1877–1928), popularly known as Utkalamani Gopabandhu Das (Jewel of Utkal or Odisha), was a social worker, reformer, political activist, journalist, poet and essayist. Gopabandhu Das was born on 9 October 1877 in Suando village, near Puri, Odisha in a Brahmin family. His mother was Swarnamayee Devi, the third wife of Daitari Dash. HisContinue reading “TRIBUTE TO UTKALMANI PANDIT GOPABANDHU DAS 🙏”


Nuakhai or Navakhai is an agricultural festival mainly observed by people of Western Odisha and Southern Chhattisgarh in India. Nuakhai is observed to welcome the new rice of the season. According to the calendar it is observed on panchami tithi (the fifth day) of the lunar fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada or Bhadraba (August–September),Continue reading “NUAKHAI”


Raja (Odia: ରଜ) or Raja Parba (Odia: ରଜ ପର୍ବ) or Mithuna Sankranti is a three-day-long festival of womanhood celebrated in Odisha, India. The second day of the festival signifies beginning of the solar month of Mithuna from, which the season of rains starts. It is believed that the mother Goddess Earth or the divine wifeContinue reading “RAJA FESTIVAL”


State Foundation Day (Odisha): 01 April Odisha Day, also Utkala Dibasa, is celebrated on 1 April in the Indian state of Odisha in memory of the formation of the state as a separate state out of Bihar and Orissa Province with addition of Koraput and Ganjam from the Madras Presidency on 1 April 1936. AfterContinue reading “UTKAL DIWAS”