Originally posted on Be Inspired..!!:
When we think of the five love languages – Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch – we often overlook a crucial sixth love language – Distance. In an era defined by globalization and technological advancement, distance has become an inevitable part of many…


Originally posted on Lost In Amberland:
Sometimes I sit outside Pontificating life and love Watching birds play🦩games Waiting for the sun to gently set To greet the night sky with a smile Mysterious🌙with her friends shining Brightly flickering from centuries before Light swallows darkness, burns away Nothingness to become something✨ Right before my very eyes…


Originally posted on Lost In Amberland:
Once upon a time A little girl believed In magic and wonder She read stacks of books Listened to music, danced She held her breath at 🛑 💡 Turn green now she said.. now Now.. 🐸 as she listened to croaks Crickets 🦗 all around on a cool night…


Originally posted on Love13Reading:
He had a heart, he said one of stoneHe locked its gate with an iron lockFlocked on its boundary were silver thornsBut it was once filled with brilliant thoughts He remembers days when he was youngHe had people who loved him wellHe had everyone, even two-three friendsBut he was left…


Originally posted on Lost In Amberland:
Once, I thought I was lost in the dark. Stumbling through the thick air of nothingness; I would fall, again and again. Never able to find the light, I was trapped. My thoughts became monsters, hunting me down. It took some time for me to realize I wasn’t lost…


Originally posted on Lost In Amberland:
Waves crash around me. You hold my hand tight. In this moment I feel free; As my soul takes flight. I’m breathing in the salty fresh air. The wind blowing through my hair; I gaze out into the vast, turquoise sea. It gets no better than this; you and…


Originally posted on A Barbarian in Gentlemen's Clothing:
Contrary to what most people would tell you, hobbies are not a waste of time. Instead, It is a crucial outlet for you to pursue your passion and interests. It fulfills the side of you that is not stimulated under normal circumstances. Photo by Steve Johnson…


GITA WISDOM # 71Chapter 2 Verse 65 प्रसादे सर्वदुःखानां हानिरस्योपजायते।प्रसन्नचेतसो ह्याशु बुद्धिः पर्यवतिष्ठते॥ श्लोक 65 – अध्याय 2 – गीता का सार     अन्तःकरण की प्रसन्नता होने पर इसके सम्पूर्ण दुःखों का अभाव हो जाता है और उस प्रसन्नचित्त वाले कर्मयोगी की बुद्धि शीघ्र ही सब ओर से हटकर एक परमात्मा में ही भलीभाँतिContinue reading “THE PATH TO A STEADY MIND”


Originally posted on Be Inspired..!!:
Though forgiveness can help repair a damaged relationship, it doesn’t obligate you to reconcile with the person who harmed you, or release them from legal accountability. Instead, forgiveness brings the forgiver peace of mind and frees him or her from corrosive anger. Here are the four stages of forgiveness : Uncovering – Gaining insight…